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vous verez elle prend du temps a ce mettre en route mais après c'est bon!
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J'ADORE les motages & tout sa geére .. !
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Golf Clubs Sale
Who doesn't want to find golf clubs for sale? Everyone in their right mind prefers a bargain compared to paying high prices for their goods. It doesn't matter if you are a golfer that plays regularly or a golfer that plays not so regularly, the fact still remains that you will need golf clubs to play. So why not buy them at great discount prices. ishiner
J'aime tous la petite intro o debut le ride est super la musique aussi quoi d'autre?
dobson52 a écrit:
Golf Clubs Sale
Who doesn't want to find golf clubs for sale? Everyone in their right mind prefers a bargain compared to paying high prices for their goods. It doesn't matter if you are a golfer that plays regularly or a golfer that plays not so regularly, the fact still remains that you will need golf clubs to play. So why not buy them at great discount prices. ishiner
euh t'es anglais ou ricains?
J'adore mais je crois quel a était postée il y a longtemps .