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Hi guys!
I made a new video for my sponsors and here it is. Hopefully you will like it :)
Dernière modification par Helmeri Pirinen (01/09/10 à 19:03)
Sorry but what is "Hoepfully" ?!
Lucaaas * a écrit:
Sorry but what is "Hoepfully" ?!
I edited that typo...
Very Good Video
Pour les Francais xD comme je parle pas anglais, y a du level, et j'ai bien kiffer car il y a que du street
GG for the grind (si sa se dit comme sa :p)
the last trick is ... madd !!
jkiff tro le style et le montage est super bon
Hi man ! :-D
Welcome on the forum ^^
Good video with good level. Too much whip for me . I mean you have to do another trick to make a complete video but the combo are good ;).
R.I.P ( for you hands :P )
I like your video continue doing that Excuse me for my english but I don't speak very well !
Dernière modification par trotitob (01/09/10 à 20:13)
Yeah, Full street video :) I like it.
The last trick is huuuge :o
Good video.
WTF ! The last tricks is HARD ! :O
I love this mini movie. FUCK !!! for the last tricks LOVE
alextrem a écrit:
R.I.P ( for you hands :P )
Thanks and haha yeah that bail wasn't very nice :D
Thank you for comments guys. It's good to get some nice feedback :)
the final grind, Oo, un truc de dingue
so good men, where are u from ? can't you make a bigger video ? u've got an original styl of riding !
And i think you will be a big boss in a park, there is too much street in these video ... try the park !