Forum TrotiRider

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    16/02/11 à 20:23
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    trotiriders dans le 24

    qui roule vers périgueux ou en dordogne?? =) car la je connais personne a par mon meilleur ami ><

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.
    17/02/11 à 00:07
    rémi cSk
    Inscription le: 21/01/11
    Messages: 699
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    Re: trotiriders dans le 24

    moi mdr

    french toast c est trop bien !!!!!!!
    17/02/11 à 00:10
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    Re: trotiriders dans le 24

    Toi je sais on roule tjr ensemble xD

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.

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