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    13/02/11 à 13:51
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    esque le jdd de la jdbug peut aller sur un deck nitro?

    Dernière modification par nekodropdead (13/02/11 à 13:52)

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.
    13/02/11 à 13:54
    Trotirider du 10
    Lieu: Sainte Savine
    Âge: 27
    Inscription le: 09/07/10
    Messages: 303
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    Oui je croit

    Dernière modification par Trotirider du 10 (13/02/11 à 14:57)

        \ /
         |_______    I Love Scooter !
         O           O  Impose ton propre style !
    13/02/11 à 14:57
    Trotirider du 10
    Lieu: Sainte Savine
    Âge: 27
    Inscription le: 09/07/10
    Messages: 303
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    Pck sur la madd signature on peut mais sur la nitro je suis pas sur

        \ /
         |_______    I Love Scooter !
         O           O  Impose ton propre style !
    13/02/11 à 15:26
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    d'acc =) si tu as une reponse sure, dit moi =)
    bon ride!

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.
    13/02/11 à 18:54
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    il me semble que ryan williams l'a fait dans une de ses vidéos

    au debut, quand la trot est plantéé au sol

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.
    13/02/11 à 19:15
    Lieu: chateau gombert (marseille)
    Inscription le: 24/12/10
    Messages: 31
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    bah il l'a fait mais c'est pas sur la fourche de la nitro .
    La fourche de la nitro n'est pas fileté donc tu peu pas =S
    apres tu peu toujours essayer mais je pense pas que ça marche

    o----o Deck blunt AOS 2 , je te veu !
    13/02/11 à 19:21
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    non mais j'ai la fourche de la classic =)

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.
    13/02/11 à 20:56
    Lieu: !! St-Germain - 78 !!
    Âge: 28
    Inscription le: 07/11/10
    Messages: 1812
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    Comment tu peu etre sur que c'est un jdd jd bug  .. Normalement sa passe ,mais comment tu a pu te procuré le deck de la madd Nitro ?

    * NOUVELLE VIDEO : => Edition 2014 ;)
      Ma derniere vidéo : St-Germain-en-Laye RPZ  * .

         = Abonnez-vous , Toute les videos de la Team !
    13/02/11 à 21:04
    Lieu: Périgueux (24)
    Âge: 29
    Inscription le: 24/01/11
    Messages: 329
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    Re: jdd de la jdbug sur la nitro

    gizmania mon gars ;)

    Sometimes less is more, and it’s really nice to see a rider who pays attention to style and how the tricks look rather than trying to fit as many tricks in as possible. There seems to be an ongoing feud between scooters and other sports at skateparks, and it would be good to see all the sports integrated. Don’t forget every sport is influenced by a previous sport.

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