Only for Freestyle Scootering.

"BC" T-shirt Promo


SOLOCHRISTO DOES NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS SONG! Pro Team rider Joey Aria riding with the new "BC" T-shirt. Out now! Song: Eyes Of A Blind Man Album: On Your Feet Artist: Spoken Lyrics: Have you ever looked into the eyes of a lost soul, it seems like they have no hope at all? Can you not see the pain of a blind man, can you taste the fear, when he takes a stand. They run, they hide, they live, they die. They run, they hide, they live, and they die, never knowing the reasons why. They were sent to earth, sent to earth to die, still never knowing the reasons, so why don't you tell me? Come back to me. Want to stay updated? Please ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦═╦╦╗╔═╗ β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•šβ•£β•šβ•£β•”β•£β•”β•£β•‘β•šβ•£β•β•£ β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•β•‘β•‘β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•β•£ β•šβ•β•©β•β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•šβ•©β•β•©β•β• for video updates.


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